Wow. I just realized I haven't blogged since August. There is a reason for that. My world kind of blew up. I had a month-long episode of dizziness (including icky nausea) that lasted until I got diagnosed with labyrinthitis. What that means basically is that I had gotten sick either with the flu or a cold or some sort of virus that caused my inner ear to become inflamed which thereby caused damage to my vestibular nerve (the nerve that deals with balance). This caused my brain to fire all wacky and made it think I was moving even when I wasn't. I missed a month of work as well as 2 weeks of classes. A month and a half of rehabilitation to teach my brain to compensate for the permanent damage later and I was able to get back to work normally.. well as normal as I'll be from hereon in.
The doctor also stated some underlying issues possibly of migraines. The non-painful kind. Essentially, if I overtax my system, I bypass the pain and head straight to the exhaustion portion of the process. And I'm talking 14 hours of sleeping after an 8 hour night before kind of exhaustion. No fun at all. I have learned how to cope with stress better because of it but am still working on this. As a result, I am a bit more laid back (but not much), although I'm still learning how to say no to more work at work... >.>
School has started again for this semester and I have a much brighter outlook this time around. I didn't realize how much my illness at the start of last semester had colored the whole thing until this week of the start of the new semester. I'm glad last semester is done and behind me. Now I can look forward to this one.