July 3, 2012

Day 17- Your highs and lows of the past year

I think we'll start with lows because I'm a big fan of getting the bad stuff over with so we can enjoy the good stuff, even if it does suck.

Let's see... There's my job change at work. They decided to centralize my department, so I was forced to take another position. I found out I had a brain tumor and subsequently had to have surgery. I also found out and had to start trying to figure out how to live and deal with Meniere's Disease. That one is still in the works. I would have to say that these are the things are probably the biggest lows I had.

And for the highs? I was able to stay working with my company, even if it is in a different position than what I had. I'm lucky to still have a job. The tumor was easily dispatched and the healing went fantastically well (migraines aside). I have a dentist who is awesome and is working to correct my bite, so as to realign my jaw to where it should be. I am about to see a neurotologist who will hopefully know how to work with my ear issues and keep me from losing my hearing. I graduated motherfucking college. It may only be an Associates degree, but it's still one step in the right direction. I've also started working towards getting my BBA.

While the lows were some pretty serious lows, I think the highs more than made up for them.

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