March 21, 2011

Mental reboot. Sometimes it's necessary.

Ok, so I've been doing my treatment plan for my TMJ for around 4-5 weeks now. Having to work out in the evenings royally screwed up my schedule and started sending me into a downwards mental stupidity spiral. Then, last week, my schedule at work changed so I work 9:15-5:00 instead of 8:00-3:45. This has made it so that I can work out in the mornings. Yay for having my nights back. This is a good thing but seeing as my brain was already scattered from being off schedule, I couldn't seem to find any rhyme to my reason. I felt even more scattered.
This weekend I took a hiatus from the computer. I spent Saturday entertaining a couple of friends and then Sunday I spent snuggling and playing with my daughter and playing on my PS3. I needed a mental reboot and worked towards it without realizing it. Today I woke up and felt clear again. This is a very good thing. So now, I'm getting back on track and on schedule. Yay schedules!
Sometimes you just need a little break to be able to function well. All work and no play makes twinklie a very cranky little girl.

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