November 13, 2010

So Much Happiness

Yet one more person that does not truly wish to be close to me has weeded themselves from amongst the close group of trusted individuals. It is difficult for me to understand why people don't want to be close to me but I understand that everyone is different. Their needs are different from mine and their point of view may clash with mine. All I can say is that I wish them the best of luck in their journay and I wish them nothing but the best for their future.

On another topic, another of my kinky family has met  my husband and the meeting went stunningly well. The only thing that could be more totally awesomelly fantastically mind blowing would to be snuggled between them both. While I know and realize this may never happen, it is still more than I would have dared to even think of before the two met. I'm just so happy right now I'm almost floating. This has been 10 years in coming with the situation never occuring just right for the two of them to meet. I just really don't believe I can convey accurately the level of happiness this brings to me.

I don't know why it's so surprising that they do get on well, I mean they're both intelligent, well-read and well-spoken men. I guess it's just that they both have strong personalities. It's like bringing two dogs together for the first time. You don't know how they'll respond until that particular moment occurs. We went to a motorcycle swap meet today and I ended up sunburned. Then we came home (hubby had stayed home to sleep as he has to work tonight), and I woke him momentarily to let him know that we were here. He got up a bit later and made dinner (spaghetti even!!! woot!) for all of us and the two of them conversed as if they had known each other for a while.

It was.. a weight off of my shoulders. I started getting butterflies the closer it came to time for us to leave to come home and now... *squees inside and happy dances her happy young Velma dance of joy* I truly believe I am on the path that "someone" (the lady/power/goddess that has yet to give me a name) wishes me to be. My cup truly overflows with happiness and joy that the family I have made for myself both with my husband and kinkwise is turning out to mesh so very well.

Thank you, Lady, for smiling down so sweetly on me.

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