June 23, 2012

Day 6- Write 30 interesting facts about yourself

Okay. This one is going to be a bit difficult because I don't find myself all that interesting. Let's see what I can come up with, and fyi- I'm not placing them in any particular order.

1. The masquerade ball scene in Labyrinth is my favorite part of the entire movie.
2. I know how to play the piano a little bit and plan on continuing to learn how to play at some point in the future.
3. I still have the ability to lactate, even though I stopped breastfeeding when my Mini-me was 9 months old (she's 3 now).
4. I make fantastic coconut-pecan drop cookies.
5. I was once able to bend completely backwards while in heels. I am working on doing my best to regain this amount of flexibility.
6. I once came for about 4 hours straight (hooray multiple orgasms?). No, I could not walk under my own power alone afterwards.
7. I have the ability to be in love with more than one person at the same time. This sometimes makes things... interesting.
8. I blush very easily when I first meet someone. I am not sure why that is, but the more I get to know someone, usually the less I tend to blush. It doesn't become non-existent, just more difficult to achieve.
9. There are times when I look at the world around me (usually when I'm driving. LOL) and I can regain a wonder about the world that I had when I was younger. During these times, I wish that I could stop wherever I am and breathe in the moment, mark it down in my memory banks for later.
10. I have a vampire fetish. Whenever I'm looking for movies in Netflix (my friends can attest to this), I more often than not end up choosing something of a vampirish nature.
11. I love sex. (I know this one is probably a "no durh" one)
12. Blindfolding me and binding me is yummy. It is a great lead into putting me into subspace.
13. I had brain surgery and came out of it pretty much the way I was before, if not a bit better.
14. I am learning Tai Chi and hope to one day have my gold/black sash.
15. I am scared of the ocean. I don't like the way the sand is washed out from under my feet and the pull of the tide makes me nervous.
16. I secretly (or perhaps not so secretly, depending) wish to own a corset dress I saw that costs $500.00...
17. I seriously disdain sleeping alone.
18. I LOVE being a mother. It is one of the best things about my life and something I wouldn't change for anything.
19. I have an affinity for stuffed animals. I don't talk much about it but giving me a stuffed animal is a good way to get on my good side. ;-)
20. I have a serious sense of potty humor. I can't help it. Talking about farts makes me giggle almost every time.
21. I love the smell of freshly sharpened pencils. What I mean by this is the #2 pencils used in schools with the hand cranked pencil sharpener. I used to empty those out when I was in school just so I could catch a whiff of the scent.
22. I am a huge fan of mythology.
23. I have skills in many things, but I don't believe I am an expert at anything.
24. I once tried out to be a stripper. It did not go well.
25. I like organizing other people's things.
26. I have a Scottish accent fetish. Hearing it does funny things to my body... >.>
27. I kicked myself in the head one time by accident.
28. I want to go hang-gliding some day.
29. Nine Inch Nails was the first band I saw in concert.
30. I slept through a tornado one time.

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