October 19, 2010

Yet more ramblings of a wandering mind

Words whispered from lips parted with love fill memories created by times long past covered with dust to be stirred and relived time and again as the heart warms in rememberance. Life moves on and wounds no longer bleed. Scars fade and pain does not seem so close as to take every breath with each beat of one's heart. The past cannot be revived or made into something new. One must move on with their head up and heart free to take in new experiences, whether it be to hurt once more or to be filled to overflowing with the love of the one they are meant to be with.

Paths cross and stars align only to go separate ways again. Sometimes the way is straight and things can be seen ahead only for the way to become twisted and tangled in undergrowth once more with only each step being shown as it is taken. To work through that undergrowth can seem to take forever, to bog one's self down and then, suddenly, the way is clear once more. Sometimes we must let go to gain ground and others we must cling tight to who we are to survive.

The grip of emotions can often crush those not strong enough to withstand the tides that the moon carries forth. If one can ride the waves to the crest and down again, they can often see that things are not as bad as they once seemed and that they can make it if they simply hold steady to who and what they are.

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